Jun 11Liked by Shannon Hood

My kiddos struggle with dyslexia, so audiobooks are a big thing around here! Some favorites are Ralph Moody’s series (beginning with Father and I were Ranchers), the Narnia series, the Little House in the Prairie series, and the Redwall series.

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Those are some great ones!

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Jun 24·edited Jun 24Liked by Shannon Hood

I recently listened to The Labors of Hercules Beal on a recommendation from the RAR Podcast and loved the audio version!!! Really great narrator and story! It's a great middle-grade novel.

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Love it! Thanks for the recommendation.

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Thanks for these recommendations! My boys love horse stories, so I will check out King of the Wind. We are currently on a Boxcar Children kick; I've found many of the series on audio through Libby and Hoopla.

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Thanks for these recommendations! My boys love horse stories, so I will check out King of the Wind. We are currently on a Boxcar Children kick; I've found many of the series on audio through Libby and Hoopla.

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Thanks for these recommendations! My boys love horse stories, so I will check out King of the Wind. Currently we are on Boxcar Children kick; I've been able to find a lot of the series on audio through Libby and Hoopla.

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Boxcar children are classic! I’d love to hear if you end up loving King of the Wind!

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What a great list! Great books make for a great summer. Cheers

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We used to listen to Winnie the Pooh (Narrated by Alan Bennett) on interstate trips. Even the older kids (teens) enjoyed it.

The Wolves of Willoughby Chase & The Scarlet Pimpernel were favourites but I can't remember the narrators.

My sons liked audiobooks of books by G.A. Henty when they were about 10/12 yrs especially In Freedom's Cause.

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Love all of these ideas. Thank you!

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Jun 11Liked by Shannon Hood

I recommend ghost in the wires by Kevin Mitnick.

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Thanks for the recommendation, Phil; it looks like a fascinating read!

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We like all the Laura Ingalls Wilder audiobooks, and Winnie the Pooh audiobooks were favorites when my kids were younger. We just listened to 5 Children and It by E.Nesbit and loved it!! There's something about hearing those classic read aloud! Thanks for all the other suggestions!

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We’ve not yet done A. A. Milne on audio— great idea! Maybe I’ll have my younger two listen to those stories while I’m working with my older kids this coming school year.

Five Children and It is such a delight!

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Jun 11Liked by Shannon Hood

We stumbled on War Horse audiobook in our local library and enjoyed that. Haven’t seen the movie yet. I did recently order a ton of Jim Weiss- narrated books from Well-Trained Mind. We had started with Three Musketeers. It’s funny how the sound of someone’s voice can make you nostalgic-which road trip was that? Other notable mentions: Secret Garden from Libravox and Around the World Stories (30 mins each)-got this a looong time ago and it was worth it!

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I have heard wonderful things about Jim Weiss-narrated books. Thank you for all these great suggestions!

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Jun 11Liked by Shannon Hood

He also did The Story of the World history curriculum audio version. We stayed with the print volumes because we’re not in our car a lot anymore.

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Jun 11Liked by Shannon Hood

Have you tried Narnia Chronicles Radio Theatre? Excellently done. Also the Christmas short stories!

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Jun 11·edited Jun 11Author

The one by Focus on the Family? Yes! We love it. So good.

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These are marvelous recommendations. My grandmother used to collect Caldecott and Newbery award winners and I recognize many of the titles. I read many of them to my now-grown children but we didn’t have audiobooks then.

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What a wonderful thing to collect: the best books!

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